FTC Safeguards Compliance

Ensuring FTC Safeguards compliance is crucial for protecting customer data and maintaining trust, while avoiding substantial penalties and reputational damage.

FTC Safeguards Compliance
FTC Safeguards Dashboard

What if FTC Safeguard Compliance was simple to implement?

We’ve spent thousands of hours helping clients get and stay compliant and wondered…  What if there was a platform that simplified everything and did the heavy lifting for you?

So we built it.


Elements of FTC Safeguards Compliance

We know that becoming compliant can seem daunting and that there are many tasks that need to be completed.

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Risk Assessment

Conduct regular assessments to identify and mitigate risks to customer information.

Access Controls

Implement controls to ensure only authorized users can access customer information.

Information Security Program

Develop, implement, and maintain a comprehensive program that includes administrative, technical, and physical safeguards.


Encrypt customer information both in transit and at rest to protect against unauthorized access.

Employee Training

Provide ongoing training to ensure all personnel understand their role in data protection.

Incident Response Plan

Establish a plan to promptly respond to and recover from security events affecting customer information.
FTC Safeguards Charts


A Simpler Way to Build, Track, and Maintain Your FTC Safeguards Compliance

We’ve built a solution designed to help your organization meet FTC Safeguards regulatory requirements efficiently and effectively. From automated risk assessments to tailored security program development, and robust access control solutions, we make it easier for you to protect customer data, avoid penalties, and maintain trust so you can track, maintain, and manage your regulatory compliance.

Access Control

Evaluate and document vendor access risks through in an SRM (Supplier Relationship Management) matrix.

Vendor Risk Management

Quickly understand and document your compliance risk per vendor / subcontractor.

Employee Risk Management

Easily understand and document the compliance risk per employee using an industry standard RACI (Responsible, Accountable, Consulted, Informed) model.

Alerts & Notifications

As regulations change, if vendor or employee relationships change, or there are changes to the hardware or software used in the organization.*

Secure Data Repository

Ensure data is safe and accessible for future audits and ongoing maintenance.


Efficiently generate FTC Safeguards compliance reports and necessary documentation.

Project & Task Management

Streamline FTC Safeguards compliance tasks and related activities for easier management and organization.

Risk Score

Gauge your current compliance risk instantly and receive an actionable roadmap, timeline, and budget to streamline your FTC Safeguards compliance journey.

*Hardware and software risk is continuously evaluated and tracked in our database.  New software will be researched and audited as users add them to the system. 

Empower your compliance journey

Get early access to the only compliance tool that truly simplifies the process.

Who needs to be FTC Safeguards compliant?

The FTC requires any business involved in financial activities to protect customer information and meet the rules defined in FTC Safeguards.

Handle significant amounts of sensitive client information and must implement robust security measures to protect this data.

Involved in processing loan applications and credit histories, ensuring the security of this information.

Must protect customer data if they have information on more than 5000 consumers.

Handle sensitive tax-related information that must be safeguarded from unauthorized access.

Manage clients’ financial assets and must protect sensitive financial information.

Assist clients with debt management and must secure personal financial details.

Handle large volumes of client information related to debt collection, requiring strict compliance with security measures.

Process loan applications and financial transactions, necessitating robust security measures to protect customer data.

Such as finance companies, insurance companies, and payday lenders, must adhere to the rule.

Manage extensive credit information and are required to implement stringent security measures.

Entities reporting financial information to regulatory bodies must ensure the security of this data.

Must protect the data they collect and process from consumers.

Companies controlling one or more institutions in the finance sector must ensure compliance across their subsidiaries.

Financial Penalties

Non-compliance can lead to substantial fines, which could be as high as $50,000 per violation and additional fines for officers and directors.

Legal Actions

Organizations may face lawsuits from stakeholders such as customers, employees, and vendors seeking damages for data breaches.

Reputational Damage

Security breaches can severely damage a company's reputation, resulting in loss of consumer trust and loyalty.

Operational Disruptions

Non-compliance may necessitate significant overhauls of cybersecurity measures, leading to operational disruptions and increased costs.

Regulatory Scrutiny

Non-compliant businesses may face increased scrutiny and more frequent audits from regulators, adding to compliance costs.

Insurance Issues

Non-compliance can affect the ability to obtain or maintain cybersecurity insurance, leading to higher premiums or denial of coverage.

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Harness the power of data in one easy tool.

Everything you need from assessment to certification.

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Projects Completed
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Relevant Compliance has been a transformative force, saving us thousands of hours and significantly driving efficiency. It consistently ensures that we meet and maintain compliance requirements, both for ourselves and our customers, making it an indispensable tool in our operations

- Nathan T Hasse

CEO - RelevantTec

Relevant Compliance has been a transformative force, saving us thousands of hours and significantly driving efficiency. It consistently ensures that we meet and maintain compliance requirements, both for ourselves and our customers, making it an indispensable tool in our operations

- Nathan T Hasse

CEO - RelevantTec

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FTC Safeguards Compliance for Auto Dealers

Learn how to protect your dealership’s reputation and prevent significant fines with our free guide.

From essential definitions to best practices and actionable steps, we’ve compressed what’s most important into one straightforward guide.
* required
FTC Safeguards for Automotive
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